Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Unfair Display of Ahmadinejad to Keep You Hateful

Here's what happens when the "enemy" speaks of peace. An absolutely PERFECT demonstration of how shitty and undemocratic eMerica's major news sources are!

Shouldn't we at least hear the man before we consider destroying Iran???

 Shouldn't we at least see both sides of the man before we are instructed to hate him?

Shouldn't we at least TRANSLATE the man correctly?

Ahmadinejad's final speech to the United Nations can be read in full here:

In spite of what NPR, CNN, or other "news sources" are telling you, the speech was actually quite s beautiful. It doesn't call for a worldwide Arab Spring, as some media outlets are reporting, nor does it "rail against Israel" as NPR reported. It doesn't call for Israel’s destruction, as is often misquoted.

Undoubtedly, many eMericans will simply believe the slanted, unfair headlines about his speech because they will not have time to actually listen or read it themselves.  Most are too busy programming their new iPhones or watching men beat each other senseless in a competition for a shiny belt - but I hope you will take the time to read the speech and watch the videos posted in this post and ask yourself how "right" is the direction we are headed in the Middle East if such untruthful and manipulative tactics are employed to create anger and fear and win our consent to invasion...

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