Considering this kind of oil thirsty military presence at its borders (think a pack of wolves surrounding a lamb), why wouldn't the resource rich Iranians wish to defend themselves?
2. Israel is the biggest
recipient of US foreign aid.[3]
The U.S. is providing Israel with
at least $8.2 million EACH DAY in military aid. B. Michael, an Israeli satirist
put it most succinctly when he wrote, “My master gives me food to eat and I
bite those whom he tells me to bite. It’s
called strategic cooperation.”
It was okay for the U.S. to race
against the Soviets for this technology, and when this example is emulated by
other competing forces, it is unacceptable.
Also, the fact that we continuously arm Iran's enemy (Israel) and shower obscene amounts of money (and nuclear weapons?) into Israel, how
can anyone be surprised that countries like Iran and Syria wish to defend
themselves against the ever spreading tentacles of the Zionists?
4. The United States is
carefully diplomatic with the countries that have nuclear weapons.
Plain and simple, if you cannot
defend yourself against the Empire, you WILL be exploited.
It is obvious to anyone paying
attention that the United States is heavily dependent on the Middle East for
oil.[5] We prop up terrible dictators[6],
overthrow democracies[7],
install puppets[8],
fund brutal regimes[9],
and do whatever it takes[10]
to maintain a strong hand in the region.
Over time, this kind of foreign policy has created much animosity in the
Arab nations. Placing a colony in the
very center of the region (by way of the British petroleum interests[11])
and setting up a police state in Israel[12]
to protect it may have been a lucrative business move however it is a terrible
manipulative maneuver that worked directly against peace in the region.[13]
These choices are unsustainable and will come to an end eventually. People on a global scale are waking up to this new form of colonialism and taking a stand. We see Netanyahu becoming more and more desperate[14] and the true colors of Israel[15] are starting to show to the citizens of the United States at last. It is refreshing that at long last Americans are beginning to see the stark difference between Israel and Judaism. Clever branding of the Zionist movement purposely blurred that distinction for a very long time through manipulating feelings of guilt and confusion.[16] Also, Israel played on its similarities to US historical culture, as Mike Marqusee of the Palestine News wrote, "Both nations (America and Israel) originate as settler colonial societies; both are founded on the mythology of “a land without people for a people without land”; both are deeply imbued with racial hierarchies. “[17] This relationship is unique and it is why time and time again[18], the United States is the only nation (aside from Israel) to vehemently deny the right to existence of the indigenous Palestinian people.[19]
Obviously, "NO Nuclear Weapons"[20] would be the best policy, but in all fairness, this policy can only work if EVERY COUNTRY DISARMS. The United States (H-bombers of Nagasaki and Hiroshima), claiming that another country is a threat for having weapons is every bit as hypocritical as Israel (genocidal oppressors of Palestine committed to the extinction of the indigenous peoples of the land they currently occupy) relentlessly warning that Iran poses an imminent nuclear threat.
If the United States would pull its funding from Israel completely, and started ignoring the Israeli lobby that now greatly influences and undermines our elections, the citizens would notice an immediate impact on the economy (again - $8.2 million EACH DAY in military aid!).3 Also, in terms of foreign policy, this move would do wonders for our image all across key geopolitical areas of the map. But what about our need for control of the regions oil? Well, I think that just about every American would agree that the time has come to put that sinking ship to rest. If we could begin funding and focusing on the ingenuity and creativity we are known for, we could be completely done with oil all together while simultaneously creating new booming technological industries to replace it with. (Can you hear Lennon playing in the background? You may say that I'm a dreamer...)
Take a moment to read some
information presented in the many links mentioned throughout this article and
think about the upcoming election and the power that the nation of Israel has
on our political process[21]
(a special thanks to Citizens United).
Also take some time to think about the beating drums of the impending
war we are on the brink of with Iran.
Think outside the suggestive thoughts thrown at you every day by NPR,
FOX, MSNBC and other Zionist mouthpieces and see if you can find empathy for
the Arab nations in the world. Threats
can realistically be transformed into amazing opportunities that could elevate
this country way above the humdrum business as usual tactics we currently
employ in the Middle East. The first
step toward peace in the Middle East, is for the United States to stop
supporting the brutality of Israel and to develop domestically created
alternative means of energy.
Further reading:
Why does the U.S. back Israel?
Israel, the Holocaust, and
Anti-Semitism, Noam Chomsky, Excerpted from Chronicles of Dissent, 1992
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