Friday, October 5, 2012

Tax Payer GM Bailout Reaps Huge Rewards for Chinese - Debt for You and I

It's all one big fraud.  In these phony debates, we will never hear anyone moderator ask about the TPP, which makes NAFTA, The Auto and Bank Bailouts look like small fries in comparison.  Both of these puppets are talking about job creation while in reality, after the next term, regardless of the president, this trade agreement will seal the doom of our economic situation opening the floodgates all the way to Asia.  This Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has managed to stay buried under campaign rhetoric as all real topics do. I suppose the NDAA will not be publicly discussed either.  It's all a giant distraction side-show. Neither of these two candidates will be any different because they are both controlled ultimately by the same handlers.  It would be interesting if someone asked them to start naming their choices of cabinet members and advisors.  I bet many of them would be the same appointees.  Until we get complete honest electoral reform in place there is no reason to believe we have a democracy in the first place.  We live in a disguised socialist state that becomes more and more apparent everyday to even the most average minds.  Either the country should just officially give up and change our status or start really pushing some reform soon.  If nothing is done soon the authoritarian fascist state will degenerate to complete totalitarianism very quickly.

Until we stop talking about "deficits," “tax reform” and "government spending" and start talking about money creation and who controls how much money we have, it's just a shell game - a complete and utter deception. It won't even matter if we pass an ironclad amendment to the Constitution mandating a balanced budget. Our situation is only going to get worse until we root out the cause at its source.  The Federal Reserve is largely responsible for the out-of-control spending by Congress. The federal government can only obtain money through taxation, printing or borrowing money.  Monetary reform should be the topic, not sideshow "job creation" rhetoric.  Neither of these candidates will address this and therefore neither of these candidates are going to make any real impact on the economy.  Both men are bought and paid for by the globalist central banks.  Socialism world wide has won and people here still actually believe democratic capitalism exists somehow!

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