Friday, December 4, 2009


Another propaganda piece disguised as journalism in the NYTimes - read the entire article here:

After Delays, Vaccine to Counter Bad Beef Tested
Published: December 3, 2009

It's important to google the author here, WILLIAM NEUMAN. Look at the list of "articles" he's written for "credible" sources like the NY Times.

The concept of shooting livestock with more harmful chemicals that will end up on your plate and in your body is another great example of how the industry over-complicates the simple, time-tested method of humane farming. E. coli became a gigantic problem because of the barbaric conditions at the feedlots and slaughterhouses.

Instead of all these vaccines going into the meat that's on our table - one can only wonder why the industry doesn't just start treating the livestock in a humane way and not making them pile on top of each other in their own feces, eating GMO corn and OTHER ANIMALS like cannibals.

In the last 15 years, thousands of America's small to mid-sized slaughterhouses have been displaced by a few large, high-speed operations, each with the capacity to kill more than a million animals a year. With fewer slaughterhouses killing an ever-growing number of animals, slaughter "line speeds" have accelerated and a production mentality has emerged in which the rapid slaughter line never seems to stop for anything—not for injured workers, not for
contaminated meat, and, least of all, not for slow or disabled animals. More important to the topic at hand - is the fact that we are down to a handful of slaughterhouses across the country - meaning contamination is likely to spread on a much larger scale. By the late 1990s, the meat packing industry had consolidated such that the top four firms accounted for approximately 50 percent of all U.S. poultry and pork production and 80 percent of all beef production. Also, consider the working conditions in America's meat packing plants are so bad they horrifically violate basic human and worker rights and get away with it because the industry employs a large amount of illegal immigrants who are not accounted for. How do you suppose this market of dispensable people working in these conditions effects the quality of the product?

Wonder no longer - do some reading and boycott ALL FOOD CONTAINING GMOs and antibiotics!

Further reading:

For more on the Frankenstein Science behind what's in your refrigerator:

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
Michael Pollan
ISBN: 978-1594200823

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
Eric Schlosser
ISBN: 978-0060938451

Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World
Greg Crister
ISBN: 978-0618380602

"Blood Sweat and Fear" - Meat and Poultry Plants (Human Rights Watch, 2005)

I couldn't find much on "journalist" William Neuman who I suspected is a PR rep for the meat industry. If anyone uncovers anything, please let me know.

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