Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Last White Hope

The Last White Hope is a hard-hitting look into the American Drug War worth sharing.

Further Reading on the Reagan Administration's involvement in the smuggling of cocaine to fund the Contra army:
Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War
Celerino, III Castillo, Dave Harmon
ISBN-10: 0889625786

Further Reading on the Partnership for a Drug-Free America:

Popular criticism:

List of Major Partnership Donors:

A gigantic collective including the likes of The Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America/Hallibuton/Merrill Lynch/ Chevron/Hershey/American Medical Association/AETNA Health Insurance/CNN/Citi Group/Disney - and a plethora of other popular broadcasting, pharmaceutical, insurance and financial giants - fueling the propaganda machine - all with a direct interest in keeping the War on Drugs in place and the prisons full.

Interesting article:
Pot Boiler
Why Are Media Enlisting in the Government's Crusade Against Marijuana?

By Mike Males

Further Reading on Prison Privatization and the Modern Day Prison Slave:
Private Prisons in America, A Critical Race Perspective
Michael A. Hallett
ISBN: 978-0-252-07308-3

Interesting article:

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