Sunday, December 16, 2012

The All Too Predictable Irony of The Shepard

     In the words of Zionist shill Rahm Emanuel, adviser to the White House, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." 

     We see this playing out quite nicely in sheep feeding houses like facebook in light of the CT shooting.  The powers have even employed the talents of Morgan Freeman (the benevolent grandfather character type) all over fakebook telling people they can help by "donating to mental health research."

      Following the continuous re-posting of this "well put" statement all over everyone's sheepfeed there was suddenly a large slew of people agreeing everywhere that this shooting at Sandy Hook is a result of "mental health care inadequacy" and the answer lies somewhere in  mandatory psych screenings and evaluations for students throughout their years in school.

     Is it that difficult to connect the dots to see how this will inevitably lead to mass drugging of our youth?  Remember, if a school system or mental "health" professional advises you that your child needs medication, say for depression or ADD and you refuse to drug them, it is protocol that you are reported to Child Services for neglect which could ultimately lead to the loss of your parental rights.  Not only is this effort a very slippery slope, but it is the pinnacle of irony considering that one known common element behind all the recent mass shootings are psychotropic medications.

     The Physicians’ Desk Reference lists the following common adverse reactions (side effects) to SSRI (the meds used by the mental "health" industry to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions) as:

    •    Manic Reaction (Mania)
    •    Hypomania (e.g., poor judgment, over spending, impulsivity, etc.)
    •    Abnormal Thinking
    •    Hallucinations
    •    Personality Disorder
    •    Amnesia
    •    Agitation
    •    Psychosis
    •    Abnormal Dreams
    •    Emotional Lability
    •    Alcohol Abuse and/or Craving
    •    Hostility
    •    Paranoid Reactions
    •    Confusion
    •    Delusions
    •    Sleep Disorders
    •    Akathisia (Severe Inner Restlessness)
    •    Withdrawal Syndrome
    •    Impulsivity

NOTE:  None of these adverse reactions is listed as Rare!
      Adverse reactions are most likely to occur when starting or discontinuing the drug, increasing or lowering the dose or when switching from one SSRI to another. Adverse reactions are often diagnosed as bipolar disorder when the symptoms may be entirely iatrogenic (treatment induced). Withdrawal, especially abrupt withdrawal, from any of these medications can cause severe neuropsychiatric and physical symptoms. It is important to withdraw extremely slowly from these drugs, often over a period of a year or more, under the supervision of a qualified and experienced specialist, if available. Withdrawal is sometimes more severe than the original symptoms or problems.

     So while many are ready to "donate to mental health research" as the actor who played God said, and while others emotionally consent to mandatory mental health screenings in schools - please do your part to remind them that Big Pharma has an undeclared slice of responsibility for this mess to begin with so helping them to cement a competitive advantage in their fastest growing segment (CHILDREN)  will not help solve the issue of emotionally numb children committing violence, in fact it will certainly make matters far worse on many levels.

     We need to collectively think DEEPER about the issues that are behind the growing mental instability in our world, particularly amongst younger generations.  Where is it coming from really?  Gun control was much looser in the past and we didn't have these types of occurrences so frequently or at such a heinous level.  What has changed?  Let's look deeper into our drug-oriented, violent, desensitized, materialistically Godless culture.  If we do, only then can we recognize that there is no political solution for a spiritual problem...

1 comment:

David Morgan said...

The same media sources who are now lamenting the loss of life via the airwaves, are the same ones who produce the glorification of slaughter, which so often passes for "entertainment" in this nation. We solve our problems with drone strikes, and invasions here in the good ole' US of A.

The incident in the movie theater in Colorado is especially telling. It was carried out by someone who was emulating the psychopathic behavior the victims were there to celebrate. The shooting spree coincided with an onscreen "guns-a-blazin" lead-fest. I guess it's only amusing when it is happening on television, on the screen, in our music or hey, happening to other people in far-flung places around the world none of us give seem to a care about.

I feel that no culture in the history of mankind has been more effectively indoctrinated...more thoroughly desensitized to slaughter, than the citizens of these United States. How bad is it? We are so pathetic that we cannot even detect the hypocrisy of the authorities and the media making their maudlin, disingenuous lamentations, while simultaneously both personifying, and glorifying the same actions elsewhere.

When Obama was making his statement, I was shocked by how easily his comments could just as easily been made in the aftermath of a drone strike. While I was listening to the media shills mine this situation for every heart-wrenching detail, I was thinking only of how easily the same narrative would have fit with literally thousands of incidents we savagely, and routinely perpetrate there on the edges of empire. The cult of death which passes for a "culture" is so horrifically routine, that it hides in plain the air we breathe. Few even recognize it until it gets to this level so close to home….