Thursday, February 2, 2012

RON PAUL - Because Universal Truth is Not Measured in Mass Appeal

Another attempt to characterize Ron Paul as a racist was played out today on the interwebs by those that cannot make intelligent critiques on his philosophies. This time, the source of these claims came from an unknown person using a pseudonym, hiding behind a mask and using voice changing software.

You can read the accusation here: Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous

The problem with Anonymous is that it's not a group. It's exactly what the name suggests. ANYONE could do anything and assign it to them because the media are too stupid to understand what it even is. Those who operate in anonymous circles can usually tell themselves when something is fishy but to the rest of the world it seems one and the same.

This "Anonymous" group smells like a front organization posing a phony threat to critical websites TO JUSTIFY lock down over the free internet. No group of real hackers spells out their itinerary all over the place with exact dates and targets and gives the world a roadmap of its illegal agenda. It seems so obvious a Cointel operation. Why else have this group been given so much light in the news? It is helping to pave the way toward Internet Security Policy that will lock the internet down as we know it.

Another key thing to note is that "Anonymous" consistently post videos in support of what Ron Paul does and stands for, i.e. ending the corrupt monetary policy, economic central planning [both done by the Fed Reserve], standing up for people's rights, and wanting to end the military complex's aggressive foreign policy. Also, what immediately struck me as fishy in this thing, is why would Anonymous be meddling with a White Supremacist website when they are supposedly all about advocating free speech rights?

All that being said, I think most Paul supporters (on both sides of the spectrum) are not easily swayed by ad hominem attacks against their candidate. Most supporters of his reject "politics as usual" and let's face it, trying to link a guy to racism through very sketchy means, it quite easily identifiable as lazy campaign tactics on the part of the opposition. Because of Mr. Paul's steadfast reputation, and the fact that he has never flip-flopped or swayed or so obviously taken the agenda of special interest groups like every other candidate in the race - and the fact that 99.5% of criticism against him relies on silly unproven allegations of him being a racist and not about his political views - his supporters are steadfast and on both sides of the two party paradigm. (Particularly because they are open-minded enough to hear him as he has spoken on justice for minorities in the broken judicial system and unfair Drug War policy for OVER 20 YEARS CONSISTENTLY).

It's amazing that in this day and age, pulling the race card to make progress in elections is still attempted. It shouldn't surprise anyone really, I mean its arguably what got Obama elected last term and quite possibly the strongest force that kept his critics at bay for the most part. After all, doesn't criticizing Obama make one a racist to some people? And one can't help but wonder just how much support a guy who has pretty much upheld and worsened most of the "Bush" policy for 4 years if he wasn't given the benefit of the doubt based solely on his race. The money that has been running (and ruining) this country since (even before) the Bush administration simply did what clever marketers have been doing for ages; When people stop buying a product, they change the branding and it enables them to sell the very same product as "new" for many more years to come.

This country really doesn't need clever marketing or more of the same downward spiral we've been riding on for so long now, we need REAL ACTUAL CHANGE and a completely DIFFERENT game plan. But as long as people are still buying "news" stories from anonymous men in masks using pseudonyms and obviously slanted sources like Fox News, MSNBC, NPR or Addicting Info, without filtering it out most thoroughly, slavery and imprisonment are all we get and quite frankly, all that we deserve...

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