Lord Balfour addressed the Balfour Declaration to Lord W. Rothschild of the Zionist Federation. If one investigates deeper into who Lord Rothschild was, and the role that The House of Rothschild has maintained in the world throughout history and into current times, one might conclude that converting to Judaism and then stating you now have a right to land promised by God to the Jews seems like a very thinly veiled business plan, and a very underhanded attempt at playing on people's sympathies and emotions to manipulate ownership over a very key location in terms of geopolitics and economics.
On November 1918 a very large group of Palestinian Arab dignitaries and representatives of political associations addressed a petition to the British authorities in which they denounced the declaration. The document stated:
"...we always sympathized profoundly with the persecuted Jews and their misfortunes in other countries... but there is wide difference between such sympathy and the acceptance of such a nation...ruling over us and disposing of our affairs."
As mentioned in the above PowerPoint Presentation, Israel has a VERY strong lobby in the US. It has a powerful influence on American politics, economy, the military-industrial complex ($8.2 MILLION in military aid funnel from America to Israel PER DAY**), foreign policy, and of course The Media. This last element is the most important in terms of keeping the American people passively ignorant to their business in our affairs. After all, if the majority knew what an influence this foreign power has in us, and how much of our money supply is spent on Israel and the manufacture of their weapons (which include nuclear ones) - most would demand a change in policy.
There is a revealing short documentary on the manipulation of the American media by Israel titled "Peace, Propaganda And The Promised Land" and it is viewable free in its entirety here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2165626245072381061
Zionism has always been a topic that greatly interests me, primarily because it is a phenomenal example of the power of propaganda at its most powerful. The state of Israel has engaged in apartheid, colonialism, terrorism, and all types of genocide with the absolute support, protection and blessing of the United States. You and I support and pay for this, through our taxes and through the corporations we blindly hand our money to on a daily basis.
Israel has been successful in using sympathy of the Jewish diaspora and the holocaust in order to strike down critics and label them anti-semitic. But the fact is that Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a political movement. Church and State are important to see separately in the issue of a Zionist state, yet through very careful propaganda tactics this political movement has been successful in obtaining occupations that continuously spread and multiply.
As the journalist and documentarian John Pilger said, "Fascism is a difficult word, because it comes with an iconography that touches the Nazi nerve and is abused as propaganda against America’s official enemies and to promote the West’s foreign adventures with a moral vocabulary written in the struggle against Hitler."
More and more Palestinians are forced off their land over time, particularly in 1948, and again in 1967, but all the while there is less and less land and resources available for Palestinians. They have become refugees in their own land, controlled by Israel in the LONGEST MILITARY OCCUPATION IN MODERN TIMES. And when they rise up against Israel’s huge military regime, they are shown only as "terrorists" by Western media (although they, unlike Israel, have no army, no American tanks, no American planes and gunships or missiles).
Thanks to the United States, Israel is now one of the largest military powers in the entire world. Yet, when we hear about weapons of mass destruction, and "brutal terror regimes," and the "spreading democracy" in the world from our news sources and politicians - how often do they remain silent on Israel? ALWAYS. This is incredibly ironic considering the apartheid in Palestine and the very obvious genocide that is happening everyday. If Iran is a danger because of the development of nuclear weapons, how can the fact that Israel (who continuously ignore UN resolutions time and time again and even have violated several of the Nuremberg Principles,*** as well as the principles of the Geneva Conventions) is constantly receiving funding and support from the United States?
It has been time and time again by many, that there can never exist Peace in the World, until there is Peace in Palestine. By continuous evidence through the UN it seems that while most of the nations in the world wish to see that Peace manifest through a two state solution, the United States wishes to find peace only through the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people and the emergence of one single State of Israel, whose borders will continue to grow across the Middle East, through its steady abundance of American funding and weaponry.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Mandate_of_Palestine
** The source for US military aid to Israel during Fiscal Year 2011 is the Congressional Research Service’s “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, updated September 16, 2010.
More info here:
Norman Finkelstein's documentary:
If Americans Knew:
PLO/Fatah's Nazi training was CIA-sponsored:
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