Pay close attention - especially around 2:10
Due to an overwhelming negative reaction on YouTube and in the general blogoshere, Illuminating Concepts (the front company behind this Intellistreets product) nervously pulled down some of its early promotional videos. This action was widely noticed and propelled further negative speculation on the internet.
In an attempt to save face (while inadvertently offering more peculiarities within the philosophy behind this product) The Illuminating Concepts PR machine published a really bad public explanation in which Illuminating Concepts declares their mission objective is to "simply make our streets safer, more energy efficient and smarter, while being informative and entertaining."

Illuminating Concepts goes on to boast "everywhere we have showcased the potential of Intellistreets, we have had the philosophical support of nearly every person with which we've had discussions, including business people, utility leaders, municipal officials and local and national politicians. They, like us, want and need to protect not only our country, but our families and friends."
Beware of suckers in your local government who may try to help funnel tax dollars towards this police state effort...
Beware of suckers in your local government who may try to help funnel tax dollars towards this police state effort...
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