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Now they want details of everything you've done in your life to date so that in the click of a button, reports can be generated of all your actions since birth.
Aside from marketing firms and intelligence agencies - Who really needs this?
Have we become this impersonal, voyeuristic and exhibitionist?
One thing I hope many appreciate before they mindlessly segue into virtual reality is LIFE. Real life, not a series of dots in the virtual realm. Facebook is on its way to publishing every moment of our lives automatically. As younger generations (and the yet to be born) grow up with this integrated right into their lives, this is truly a revolution in the destruction of privacy and the future generation's view of privacy.
Human life should be more than a series of inane little stories. It's about real interaction in the REAL world, not quickly running through every event that took place in your neighbor's life.

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Viewing and interacting in things suggested to you by "friends" and search engines based on your "likes" and frequent clicks is the equivalent of friendly censorship.
Facebook Integration with an ever-growing amount of web applications means EVERYTHING YOU DO ONLINE will be publicly monitored.
Logging out of Facebook is not enough as Facebook cookies continue tracking your moves
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