After all, if the majority of Americans knew the atrocities and war crimes being committed constantly by Israel onto the Palestinian people, they might have a problem with things - like for example ,the U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.
Shirl McArthur wrote in the May 2003 issue of Washington Report.*
McArthur's article, "A Conservative Tally of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: $97.5 Billion - and Counting" tallies the hidden costs, such as interest lost due to the early disbursement of aid to Israel and funds hidden in other accounts. For example, Israel received $5.45 billion in Defense Department funding of Israeli weapons projects through 2002, McArthur says.
Loans made to Israel by the U.S. government, like the recently awarded $9 billion, invariably wind up being paid by the American taxpayer. A recent Congressional Research Service report indicates that Israel has received $42 billion in waived loans. "Therefore, it is reasonable to consider all government loans to Israel the same as grants," McArthur says.
Support for Israel has cost America dearly - well over than $10,000 per American.*
This seems to play out as a major motive for Israel to manipulate and distorts American public perceptions. The United States has been considered Israel's most powerful and supportive ally and accounts for around 25% of Israel's military occupation (and genocide) of Palestine.
Through the voices of scholars, media critics, peace activists, religious figures, and Middle East experts, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land carefully analyzes and explains how--through the use of language, framing and context--the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza remains hidden in the news media, and Israeli colonization of the occupied territories appears to be a defensive move rather than an offensive one.
If you don't have time to watch the entire film, at least take a careful look at 48:08 - 50:05 in the film. This is one instance (amongst many others in the film) very clear picture of how Israel's American PR Campaign works their magic in our media and therefore understanding of the situation:
48:08 - 50:05
Further info:
* http://wrmea.org/component/content/article/245-2008-november/3845-congress-watch-a-conservative-estimate-of-total-direct-us-aid-to-israel-almost-114-billion.html
Watch free on Google Videos: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2165626245072381061
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