Sunday, July 10, 2011

Their Way Around That Pesky 4th Amendment

The former CIA Director, Michael Hayden is proposing "what many others federal officials are hopeful for," a separate internet that is not privacy protected under the beloved fourth amendment.

In other words, a separate internet for banking, health related, military, etc - where any government (a.k.a. corporate) bureaucracies have free legal reign to search and seize any or all of your info to use as they see fit.

According to these goons, it is after all, that pesky fourth amendment that is making our present day internet so vulnerable to (make believe)"cyber attacks."

Read the original propaganda here: Former CIA Director: Build a new Internet to improve cybersecurity (notice in the article how folks who value privacy are being called "hobbits.")

This "4th Amendment Free" internet will start off with financial, transportation and communications infrastructure as indicated in this article, but this will of course be the beginning of the end. Slowly over time we will see more an more sites become 4th Amendment free in the name of cyber-security. This direct attack against privacy is being played very carefully and remember civil liberties erode slowly and legally over time.

NOTHING should fall outside the 4th Amendment- keep a vigilant eye on this one....


Anonymous said...

The first banner ad for the new network:
This new internet is brought to you by the corporate culture where the bottom line is EVERYTHING and by the Oligarchy: "The uSA is the best government money CAN buy !

Our alleged elected are selling us out as fast as lightening. ( Like the lighting symbol of the SS that is )

Anonymous said...

Don't count on any one from your town to do anything about it.

Sustenance said...