Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sports - The Opiate of the Masses

Watch what happens to Free Speech once the O-bomb get's dropped!

Mark has a great point folks. There are far too many people out there (mostly men) that know every statistic about all of the players on their favorite sports teams. They tune in religiously to the events on television and talk the game all day at work and in the bars. The human mind has a limited amount of real estate people! Check to see where you sell yours to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completly agree !
Football is like the world's biggest soap opera, and the Super Bowl is the season finale. It's sad when most men know more about each player's stats and personal lives than they know about their own children.
What's even worse, is when someone tells you that they only watch the Super Bowl to see the commercials! That is just about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Is the general population a bunch of morons?
Well... I guess so since this televised event gets the biggest audience of the whole year.