The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla
Here are a couple of short thought provoking documentaries on Nikola Tesla, seemingly one of the most under-acknowledged geniuses of all time. A good deal of his work was suppressed from public scrutiny either by competitors like Edison, the U.S. Military, and even Tesla himself who was reluctant to allow his brilliance fall into the hands of evil.
On record, Tesla holds over SEVEN HUNDRED patents significantly advancing such things as:
Alternating Current (causing Edison to begin his smear campaign against Tesla)
Earthquake Machines
Free Wireless Energy For All World Wide
Haarp Weapon Technology - Technology far more powerful the A-Bomb using nothing more than the Ionosphere
Mass Mind Control
Radio (the very same erroneously credited to Marconi)
Remote Control Technology
Space Communication
The "Death Ray" (or Star Wars Defense Technology)
The Spark Plug
Weather Control
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World
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