Google to Enlist NSA to Help it Ward Off Cyberattacks
But how could it come to this you ask?
Well let's face it - Google doesn't want to lose it's business in China, nor does it want to be humbled into bowing to ANY country's set of laws on censorship. Seems Google's response to all of this is to call on the NSA, who has been salivating at the mouth to bite into the internet for quite some time. In other words, a couple of business emails got hacked and suddenly this becomes a National Security issue used to justify linking Google and the NSA. But notice a lack of specific ways this "threat" exists in all of these articles.
The logic, according to this article, seems to be that to keep China and the like from spying on U.S. companies, we ought to have the NSA spying on everyone! The articles on this subject always add a line or two about how these efforts "WILL NOT" mean the NSA spying on our emails, purchasing activities, or personal information, but let us NOT FORGET these important issues:
Illegal Wiretapping of phone calls by NSA
As I've mentioned again and again in previous blog entries - there will be a slew of propaganda in the media to create illogical fear which will in turn manufacture consent for the loss of the internet as we know it. The FREE and Unlimited Information Age is coming to an end. All of these stories in the news are to make headway on Rockefeller's Cybersecurity Act (according to the bill's sponser, the "Manhattan Project of our generation”) and other bill's that will inevitably follow enabling unprecedented surveillance and power.
Read this:
Also, worth watching is this PBS special, "Spying on the Homefront"
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