Friday, February 12, 2010

Eating Consciously - The Latest Mental Disorder

What do you do if a growing population becomes aware of your Malthusian-based eugenics program through the contamination of the world's agriculture?

Deem that awareness a Mental Disorder and add it to the DSM (the book of bullshit that a group of pseudo-scientists use to determine your sanity) to open the flood gates up for the pharmaceutical companies to exploit. Then they can "market a pill to get people eating more junk" as one commentator said.

Also, a nice propaganda machine like Time can be called upon to sway people's consent as well. An incredible piece of propaganda littered the media today when Bonnie Rochman of Time Magazine published an article called Orthorexia: Can Healthy Eating Be Labeled a Disorder?

I urge you to write to Time and tell them exactly where you draw the line on just how much bullshit they can print.

Watch Global Eugenics - Using Medicine To Kill in Activism & Non-Profit | View More Free Videos Online at


Anonymous said...

I believe they can already manipulate visual stimulas to encourage people to eat more junk, i.e. foods that generate a profit tied to a unique beneficiary.

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