Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A State of the Union by the Man You SHOULD Have Voted to Be President

Compare this address to the bullshit that will come out of President Obombem's mouth tonight and ask yourself who sounds more credible...


Anonymous said...

Too bad he is affiliated with the Republican party. The other name for that party is oligarchy. Although they are all playing the same BS game. BTW that recent supreme court motion regarding campaign financing was backed by corporate interest who have many republicans in their pocket. That new law will now make it possible for the types like Bin Laden and all the Oil moguls to funnel their huge wallets to promote their puppets of choice. GW was something but now next time it will be blatantly clear who is running this country. Thanks to cpaitalism, democracy is dead in teh USA. Just what the commies wanted back in the 60's

Sustenance said...

It is unfortunate that the Republican Party has suffered such a stigma from the NeoCon movement that seems to have hijacked the party. If you know anything at all about Paul, you can tell instantly that he is NOT a NeoCon and he does not represent special interests. Do your homework.

Also you state, "recent supreme court motion regarding campaign financing was backed by corporate interest who have many republicans in their pocket"

You seem to think Republicans and Democrats differ in this regard? More homework needed. Perhaps some simple research into the campaign financing of Obama and the policies that have spewed directly from this vein would enlighten you on the issue of corporate interests???

Anyone who still has faith in the republican/democrat paradigm is definitely NOT paying very close attention. If you're wasting your small attention span on Republicans vs. Democrats then you are truly missing out on the big picture.

Do some research on Ron Paul and his stances on many issues before you crudely write him off as just a republican. The man is consistently arguing for LESS federal government and a return to more State-level governance - hardly oligarchical my anonymous friend...