Friday, January 8, 2010

Enter Thought Police

Associated Press published an alarming article called Mind-Reading Systems Could Change Air Security. Of course Fox News picked it right up. Read the entire article here:

President Obama says "we have to stay one step ahead of a nimble adversary" which, according to security experts (opportunists that stand to make unprecedented profits) means the use of Mind Readers, Lie Detectors, and the Privatization of another arm of our National Security.

"Some of the ideas that have been offered by these security expert capitalists include a lifting of the U.S. prohibitions against profiling."

Philip Baum, editor of Aviation Security International commented, "Regulators need to accept that the current approach is outdated. It may have responded to the threats of the 1960s, but it doesn't respond to the threats of the 21st century."

Perhaps the threats of the 60s included those pesky Civil Liberties and their accompanying activists? Good thing today's decedents (or should I say decadents) of that era have been dumbed-down and brainwashed with media and fear mongering to accept any violation to their freedom as "necessary in the fight against terrorism."

The article continues to sound more and more Orwellian, as it introduces Mind Readers being developed by a company with the audacity to call itself WeCU. As explained in the article, "this system would use humans to do some of the observing but would rely mostly on hidden cameras or sensors that can detect a slight rise in body temperature and heart rate."

It seems the introduction of a Thought Police agency is being cleverly made to the public within this article and one can only wonder how a slew of similar news articles and other media sources will be slowly making their way to the public in an attempt to build familiarity and acceptance of this totalitarian device.

The article goes on to explain there are, "far more sensitive devices under development that can take such measurements from a distance would be incorporated later."

From a distance? Like - through your roof? In the near future perhaps - however much simpler technology is also being proposed here in this article. For example, the suggestion to profile folks at the airport and then pull them aside to conduct LIE DETECTOR tests. Tests that monitor your nervous reaction to questioning. The same kind that are not admissible in court in many states due to inaccuracy.

Companies, such as IDO Security Inc. and WeCU stand to make obscene amounts of profit through the hyping of fear. This article boasts that field testing of the systems will cost around $20 million to develop. Is it any wonder why guys like Mike Goldberg (president of IDO) say the US SHOULD BE MORE LIKE ISRAEL in terms of security, praising their methods of screening?

In Israel screeners are scrutinizing every item in a bag - unfolding socks, squeezing toothpaste and flipping through books. Israel also employs profiling: At Ben-Gurion Airport, Jewish Israelis typically pass through smoothly, while others may be taken aside for closer interrogation or even STRIP SEARCHES.

But should the government's giant eye hold this type of power over our life? Not according to companies like IDO Security and WeCU - who seem to be beating to the drum of PRIVATIZING airport security so that they can get a piece of the action there as well. In other words, don't be surprised if we see the likes of paramilitary (the type that have allegiance to no country, the type that always exist in closed societies) forces like Blackwater setting up henchmen in our local airports.

Is this really happening in our lifetime?

With the proper sense of fear (or terror) injected into the masses it certainly can. After all, in the end, even Winston Smith did learn to love Big Brother.


Alex said...

follow the link for more on this

Big Asshole said...

This is just more of the US Funding Israel. More here:

Recks said...

This is typcial throw money at something thinking, rather than get to the cause and fix it.
You know what has been missing in the media related to all this terroist fear mongering?
Has anyone wrote a list clearly identifying why and what exactly it is that these terrorist hate about America and it's citizens? Do we US citizens full understand the nature of this over zealous hatred toward us and our children? Has any leader in the USA taken such a list to heart and really looked at it to make even a small effort to try to understand or consider other avenues to end this madness? At face value there is absoulutly no reason or gain to kill innocent non-military targets/people. What is it that is behind the seething madness and anger that drives these insane acts? I am talking about something that can not be ansewered by simply declairing a "conspiracy" or a plan to control power. What tool do these mad men use to win the mind of these idiots who act to commit the ultimate sin, suicide and brutally murder others against Gods Own Commandments? There is no reward in heaven for murderers of the innocent. To be dead in the world and alive in teh spirit is not about killing the living. Where is the disconnect?

Sustenance said...

They'll try to have us believe that Islam HATES freedom. What's sicker are the people who buy that bag of shit. If you are looking for motive - research Operation Northwoods.

It's all more false-flag plans set into motion to get legislation passed that would otherwise be scoffed at by Congress and the general public. Legislation that serves the interests of a very few, while the rest of us get ushered quietly into the closed-society we are becoming...