How they do it:
It's very important when making the transition from a free, open society to make gradual steps toward the fascist, authoritarian, or totalitarian state to keep the masses from noticing the slow dissolve of their civil liberties.
Also, careful propaganda placement such as this comes in handy:
Pay special attention to these excerpts from the slanted report:
"...homegrown radical Islamic terrorism" - a term we are seeing more and more in the news to help divide and conquer. Sewing suspicion in the average Emerican mind, keeping us each on high-alert of each other, with a particular fear and suspicion for our Islamic brothers and sisters.
"...raises questions about whether we are facing a new wave of terrorism driven in part by self- radicalized actors" - this could very well be you pretty soon, just for reading blogs like this.
“It should not be an act of moral courage for a soldier to identify a fellow solider as a potentially dangerous Islamic extremist, he said. “It should be an obligation.” - this instantly calls to mind an orwellian reality.
"Intelligence agencies last year intercepted e-mails between Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, a Muslim religious leader in Yemen known for his anti-American views. Investigators say there was nothing suspicious in the communications, and they appeared to be related to a research project. " - the term anti-American views brings to mind a whole array of red flags. What are the exact guidelines are being used to determine if a particular view or sentiment is "anti-American" bearing in mind that America was founded on the principles of "freedom" to begin with?
Some examples of "anti-American" views according to recent news stories include a peace activist asking Congress to cut funding for the wars in Iraq and Afgan, journalists reporting on "classified" information and whistle-blowing civil servants.
In my opinion, a government that intercepts emails and taps phone lines should be considered anti-American. One cab see just how subjective and loose this term, anti-American is.
"Most recently, the Internet has become a tool for spurring militants in the U.S. to act, Silber said. " - Geeze, we better get that Cybersecurity Act implemented asap! Heck, we oughtta skip Congress and let the Pres slide that through with a signing statement or we'll all be victims of the thousands of unproven sleeper cells that are about to rise up and destroy civilization as we know it!
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